Computational &
Physical Intelligence Lab

at Carnegie Mellon University

“ Whether we are based on carbon or on silicon makes no fundamental difference. ”

Arthur C. Clarke

Vision and Mission

We explore the synergy between chip-based computational intelligence with the chip-free physical intelligence in nature:

  • We develop computational intelligence methods, including AI/ML and optimization, to enhance physical intelligence by co-desiging materials, structure and stimulus.
  • We leverage physical intelligence to embody computational intelligence, enabling materials to sense, compute, think, and learn.

We aim to create artificial systems that mimic, interact, and surpass biological agents in executing autonomous tasks within unstructured and hazardous environments. We are interested in applications that can relieve humans from misfortune and extend human capability, such as minimally invasive surgery, flexible electronics, soft robotics, mechanical computing, and sustainable energy.

Join us!

We are actively recruiting PhD, masters, and undergraduate students in Mechanical Engineering at Carnegie Mellon University to join our team.